Congress passed the Federal Information Technology Acquisition Reform Act in late 2014 to increase statutory authorities for CIOs and reduce the government’s $86 billion IT spend. Almost one year after White House guidance and policy implementations, Congress has released FITARA implementation scorecards that grade agencies on their performances thus far.
What agencies are making the grade so far, and how?
On December 16, Nextgov sat down with former and current CIOs, oversight leaders and other policy experts to discuss FITARA’s current status across government and future evolutions now that a policy foundation has been laid.
Watch event video below to hear:
Data and criteria used to evaluate FITARA implementation scorecards
Strengths and weaknesses of FITARA thus far and where government CIOs see FITARA being most effective in the future
Challenges and drawbacks to FITARA implementation from both the technology and management perspectives
If and how new authorities have affected their operations