NASA headquarters selects SAIC to provide desktop services

NASA has awarded Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) Information Services, Vienna, Va., a threeyear $20.1 million contract to provide information technology services to NASA headquarters under the Outsourcing Desktop Initiative for NASA (ODIN).

NASA has awarded Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) Information Services, Vienna, Va., a three-year $20.1 million contract to provide information technology services to NASA headquarters under the Outsourcing Desktop Initiative for NASA (ODIN).

SAIC, which recently acquired Boeing Information Services Inc., will begin delivering on Feb. 28 desktop computer, server, local-area network, telephone, local video, administrative radio, remote communication and public address services to employees at NASA's headquarters in Washington. The services will be ordered under the existing ODIN master contract, which is administered by the ODIN Program Office at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md.

SAIC will provide about 1,800 desktop seats at NASA headquarters. That's in addition to the more than 4,500 workstations and 3,000 printers SAIC installed at Health Care Finance Administration offices in 25 cities in less than six weeks.

The award indicates SAIC's commitment to providing services to NASA and the federal government through ODIN and other GSA vehicles, said James L. Smith, vice president of SAIC's system integration services group.

SAIC also has an ODIN contract worth $11 million to provide desktop services at HCFA.

The next ODIN award for NASA's Dryden Flight Research Center, Ames Research Center, Langley Research Center and Glenn Research Center is scheduled for May.

NEXT STORY: AMS, Ariba team for e-procurement