OFPP set to launch online "Yellow Pages"

The Office of Federal Procurement Policy is raising concerns in government and industry with its plans to launch a Web site listing products and services available on multiagency contracts.

The Office of Federal Procurement Policy is raising concerns in government

and industry with its plans to launch a Web site listing products and services

available on multi-agency contracts.

The electronic "Yellow Pages" will provide agencies with the information

they need to do their jobs and make it easier to buy solutions, said Deidre

Lee, administrator of OFPP, speaking at a conference sponsored by the American

Bar Association.

But the concept has raised some concerns, Lee said.

Industry is wary because it will make it easier for customers to do price

comparisons on various contracts, she said. Contracting officers fear the

listing will encourage customers to order products on their own, without

the help of a contracting office.

And procurement executives will be under pressure to evaluate the practicality

of awarding contracts that duplicate the offerings of existing vehicles,

said Lee.

OFPP, which asked agencies to submit by March 1 a list of the vendors and

products offered on their multiple-award and governmentwide acquisition

contracts, expects to launch an initial version of the Internet-based site

in May or June, Lee said.

NEXT STORY: IRS extends Beyond.com's deal