GSA awards Millennia Lite contracts

The General Services Administration last week announced the award of the first information technology support services contracts under the Millennia Lite program

The General Services Administration last week announced the award of the

first information technology support services contracts under the Millennia

Lite program.

GSA's Federal Technology Service announced the first and second rounds in

a series of support contracts under the program's four functional areas:

* IT planning, studies and assessment.

* High-end IT services.

* Mission-support services.

* Legacy systems migration and new enterprise systems development.

The maximum dollar value for all contracts awarded under Millennia Lite

is $20 billion.

FTS awarded 11 contracts for high-end IT services, which encompass engineering

and manufacturing, independent verification and validation, and source data

development. It awarded 10 contracts for mission-support services, focusing

on software development and maintenance, network design and support and

help-desk duties.

Contract awards in the remaining two functional areas will be made in May,

GSA spokeswoman Eleni Martin said.

The high-end information services contracts were awarded to Anteon Corp.,

AverStar Inc., American Systems Corp., Computer Technology Associates Inc.,

GRC International Inc., Nichols Research, New Technology Management Inc.,

QSS Group Inc., Sentel Corp., Sherikon Inc. and Systems Technology Associates


The mission-support services contract winners were ACS Government Solutions

Group, Advanced Technology Systems Inc., Century Technologies Inc., Computer

Systems Technology Inc., EER Systems Inc., FC Business Systems, ITS Federal,

Rose International Inc., Sherikon Inc. and VGS Inc.

NEXT STORY: FAA seeks new e-mail route