Firms protest $1.4B Army contract award

Litton/PRC Inc. and Federal Data Corp. have formally protested the recent $1.4 billion award for the Army's MMAD1 program

Two losing contractors — Litton/PRC Inc. and Federal Data Corp. — have formally

protested the recent $1.4 billion award for the Army's Mini, Maxi and Database-1


The Army in late August awarded an $857 million contract to GTSI Corp. and

a $617 million deal to IBM Corp. Global Services-Federal to provide an array

of hardware, software and services to the Army, the Navy and the Treasury

Department. The dual award offers the Army several advantages, including

continuing competition and a continuing supply line should one contractor

run into trouble.

Industry and Army sources say they are forbidden to discuss the companies'

protests for legal reasons, so details are not yet available.

GTSI announced Wednesday that it will petition the Army to allow it to contest

the bid protests.

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