Schedule veterans racking up sales

The growth in service revenue on the Federal Supply Service schedule has meant increased sales for schedule veterans such as BMC Software Inc. and Logicon FDC (formerly Federal Data Corp.).

The growth in service revenue on the Federal Supply Service schedule has meant increased sales for schedule veterans such as BMC Software Inc. and Logicon FDC (formerly Federal Data Corp.).

At BMC, the schedule is now the source of 70 percent of service sales in the federal space or about $2 million this fiscal year, said Keith Million, practice manager for federal professional services at BMC.

The company offers services to a growing roster of customers, including the Defense Information Systems Agency, the Internal Revenue Service, the Social Security Administration, the National Security Agency and the Education Department, Million said.

The company provides those customers with a service package, called SureStart, which allows for rapid implementation of its software products.

Although most of BMC's contracts are valued at between $10,000 and $100,000, Million said there were 10 orders that exceeded $100,000.

Logicon FDC President Rene LaVigne said his company is also reaping "a significant amount of work off the schedule."

The company, which has been on the schedule since 1993, offers "high-end professional services principally in the networking and systems integration arena" to a customer base that "is divided about 50-50 between Department of Defense and civilian agencies," he said.

Network services are among the company's most popular offerings, LaVigne said. "Networking talent is pretty hard to find, and we are the only gold partner with Cisco Systems focused on the federal government."

The company also provides information technology service management solutions from its schedule, such as those offered by Remedy Corp. Remedy offers specialized tools that provide asset tracking, help-desk services and resource management, he said.

NEXT STORY: NSA may expand outsourcing