Four win Immigration BPA

CSC, IBM, EDS and Lockheed are on the blanket purchase agreement for the Immigration bureau's IT modernization program.

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services

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Four companies were awarded a 5-year blanket purchase agreement for the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (CIS) bureau's information technology modernization program.

The companies include Computer Sciences Corp., EDS, IBM Corp., and Lockheed Martin Corp. The BPA is renewable and can be extended for another five years, bringing the total value of the contract over the 10-year period to $300 million, said Dan Kane, a spokesman for CIS.

A variety of services are included in the contract, he said. Among them:

* systems planning

* requirements definition

* design

* development

* implementation

* operations and maintenance

* training

* data migration

* help desk support

* systems assurance and reports analysis for case management enabling technologies and future IT initiatives.

The bureau, housed under the Homeland Security Department, was formerly called the Immigration and Naturalization Service. There are about 15,000 federal employees and contractors working at its Washington, D.C., headquarters and 250 field offices around the world.

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