House approves GSA modernization legislation

Lawmakers have approved a bill that would reorganize GSA.

The House has unanimously passed a bill calling for the restructuring of the General Services Administration. Rep. Tom Davis (R-Va.), chairman of the Government Reform Committee, sponsored the legislation, called the GSA Modernization Act.

Davis announced the bill's passage late Monday.

The bill calls for GSA's two acquisition organizations -- the Federal Supply Service and the Federal Technology Service -- to be merged into a single Federal Acquisition Service. The two funds that GSA employees use to make purchases on behalf of agencies would also be merged into a single fund.

The legislation would allow the GSA administrator to appoint up to five regional executives who would oversee and manage acquisition activities in GSA’s regional offices.

The legislation reflects work that is already under way at GSA. Stephen Perry, the agency’s administrator, formed a reorganization steering committee earlier this year, asking members to deliver a draft plan by the end of May and a final plan by July.

NEXT STORY: Pentagon to get GSA push