Reader comment roundup: Praise for small-biz mentors, advice on online privacy and more

Find out what the buzz is among our readers. Check out this week's roundup of readers' comments.

Regarding "GSA proposes mentor/protégé program": I think that this is a great idea. As a new small-business [owner], a program like this will help my business, [help me to] understand how [to] the win business and retain it. You get my vote...

Regarding "Official urges less reliance on contractors": Mr. Levine has hit the nail on the head. A contractor's job is to make money for his company.  A civil servant's job is to serve the taxpayer!
Michael McManus

Regarding "DOD reassures users about privacy": Anyone who uses a government computer and thinks they have a shred of privacy is foolish.  There's no way to provide that privacy as network traffic and records repositories can be viewed at many levels by many people. Always create e-mails as if a stranger is standing over your shoulder.
John Tigue

Regarding "State, local agencies may get more access to GSA contracts" State and local agencies can already use Schedule 84 to purchase items for "disaster recovery," in advance of any disaster.
How will this legislation broaden their access to this schedule?

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