Fredriksen to oversee FAS' strategic planning

Amanda Fredriksen is now the assistant commissioner for FAS' Office of Strategic Business Planning and Process Improvement.

Amanda Fredriksen has been selected to oversee and guide how the General Services Administration’s Federal Acquisition Service (FAS) operates and plans strategically for the future, the agency said today.

Fredriksen now is officially the assistant commissioner for FAS' Office of Strategic Business Planning and Process Improvement after serving as the acting assistant commissioner for the past six months. She will continue to lead FAS’ collaboration with GSA's Public Buildings Service concerning the economic stimulus law, the GSA announcement states.

“Amanda has been instrumental in setting and implementing FAS’ strategic response to its recovery act responsibilities,” said Jim Williams, FAS commissioner. “Combined with her deep understanding of our business operations, this makes Amanda the right person to help chart FAS’ future.”

Fredriksen previously served as the deputy assistant commissioner for the agency's Office of General Supplies and Services. She helped direct GSA’s multiple award schedules, environmental acquisition initiatives, and its warfighter and national emergency response programs.

She received the Administrator’s Award for Meritorious Service for her leadership in developing the Federal Supply Service’s Performance Management System.

“FAS’ management and acquisition solutions truly make government stronger and more efficient,” Fredriksen said. “I’m excited for the opportunity to build upon FAS’ successes by strategically assessing how we will anticipate and address future customer needs in this economic environment.”