Gordon gets Senate panel's nod for OFPP

Senate Governmental Affairs Committee chairman seems confident about Daniel Gordon getting the Senate’s approval to the the administator of the Office of Federal Procurement Policy.

Daniel Gordon has completed the next step in becoming the administrator of federal procurement policy in the Office of Management and Budget.

The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee today approved President Obama’s nominee to be one of the key players in the reformation of the federal government’s contracting system as the administrator of the Office of Federal Procurement Policy (OFPP) .

Gordon’s nomination now awaits a vote by the full Senate before he can officially move into the Old Executive Office Building.

Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.), the committee’s chairman, seems confident about getting the Senate’s approval, saying the OFPP administrator is one of the most broadly supported and non-controversial nominations.

At Gordon’s Nov. 10 confirmation hearing, Lieberman said he would try to get the nomination through the committee and Senate quickly and  committee’s approval comes nine days later. Some sources said Gordon might get the Senate's confirmation before the Thanksgiving holiday.

The nomination comes as the Obama administration begins its reforms of acquisition policies.

NEXT STORY: A new way to assess contractors