Federal 100: Tracy Blackburn

Tracy Blackburn
Glaas Project Manager, Office of the Chief Information Officer
U.S. Agency for International Development

Blackburn was the unsung hero behind a system designed to manage the billions of dollars that USAID awards annually.

The Web-based Global Acquisition and Assistance System seeks to replace paper-based processes. Under Blackburn’s leadership, it was deployed at more than 30 USAID offices worldwide, and more than $1.7 billion was obligated through the system last year. The project required Blackburn to tackle complex issues associated with installing the system at remote geographic locations with limited technical infrastructure.

“Ms. Blackburn’s impact on the system design and deployment of [Glaas] has been nothing short of phenomenal,” said Maureen Shauket, USAID’s chief acquisition officer. “Ms. Blackburn’s strong program management skills and organizational leadership have resulted in unparalleled efficiency in the deployment of our system."

Read more about the 2010 Federal 100 award winners.