Renfro named director of GSA's GWACs

Renfro has a long history in federal procurement, making her a match for the open director position.

Patricia Renfro is officially the director of the General Services Administration’s Governmentwide Acquisition Contract Center, agency officials said Feb. 27.

She has been the acting director since September. The former director was Mike O’Neill.

The center awards and manages GSA’s major governmentwide IT contracts.

“This is a critical position for our office and in support of the challenges government faces in becoming more effective and efficient,” Mark Day, director of the Office of Strategic Programs at the Federal Acquisition Service’s Integrated Technology Services Office, wrote in an internal memo.

In her career at GSA, she also was director of the Federal Acquisition Service's Enterprise GWAC Center. In her current job, she oversees contracting programs which have more than $3 billion in total contract obligations in fiscal 2011 and more than $14 billion in total contract obligations in the past 4 years.

“Patricia’s acquisition experience and proven leadership ability is the perfect fit to lead the GWAC program in this challenging fiscal climate,” Day wrote.