Rising Star: Benjamin Franich

Business Development Manager, Edgewater Federal Solutions


Benjamin Franich is a one-man corporate earthquake who has shaken loose millions in new business while redefining corporate processes at Edgewater.

Less than three years ago, he began working for the company’s IT line of business with no previous experience in the sector. His supervisors say he has been a quick study and has pushed for substantial internal changes to obtain and support new business. The company, which previously had been content with being a $6 million-a-year “mom and pop” firm, now earns $25 million annually.

Franich’s colleagues say that in an astonishingly short amount of time, he became the company’s business development manager — with full responsibility for preparing all proposals, exploring partnerships with other IT companies, identifying key personnel to work on projects and coordinating contract transitions.

He has also transformed internal operations. For instance, he threw out the old headhunter/search-service method of hiring in favor of social media and internal vetting. He also coordinates with the business development and human resources teams to make sure new hires fit the company’s mission.