Rising Star: Danielle Lauhoff

Project Manager, Telos Corp.

Danielle Lauhoff

Ensuring that the Department of Homeland Security’s mission-critical cybersecurity programs adhere to federal policies is complex work even for industry veterans, but 25-year-old Danielle Lauhoff is undaunted.

According to her managers at Telos, Lauhoff has the technical chops and personal demeanor to handle the company’s contract for managing and supporting all DHS and Federal Information Security Management Act compliance requirements.

Telos provides on-site help-desk support and expertise for process engineering and software updates. As the technical and programmatic liaison to DHS, Lauhoff uses the company’s risk management platform to aggregate scanned information and create the monthly FISMA scorecard and run queries.

Lauhoff has become deeply attuned to DHS’ requirements and concerns, making her a trusted adviser. That trust was particularly important in her first few months when she was the sole Telos employee on-site at the agency managing day-to-day operations.

In her current role, Lauhoff manages a $1.7 million contract and six full-time employees. She is also developing a stakeholder outreach campaign to help the agency and Telos evolve as DHS moves increasingly into cloud environments.