Rising Star: Taylor Roberts

Cybersecurity Advisor, Office of Management and Budget

Taylor Roberts

Taylor Roberts joined the Cybersecurity and National Security Unit in the Office of the Federal CIO in mid-2017, and his impact was almost immediate. He had just returned to the U.S. after three years at the University of Oxford’s Global Cyber Security Capacity Centre, but he jumped right into the security authorization process that has continued to constrain agencies’ efforts to be “cloud smart.”

In addition, he has worked with the federal CIO Council, CISO Council and Council of Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency to improve Federal Information Security Management Act metrics, and he contributed to Revision 5 of the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s Special Publication 800-53, “Security and Privacy Controls for Information Systems and Organizations.”

Roberts has also been a key member of the team that is working to better prioritize cybersecurity investments across the executive branch and seeking industry input to make cybersecurity a priority throughout the system development life cycle.

An OMB colleague called Roberts “an excellent example of an employee we want to continue to develop as a leader within the federal community.”