
House approves legislation to limit insourcing quotas

Bill would limit insourcing quotas and set hiring preferences.


Army plans review of what and how it buys

Army officials have tasked an independent panel with an in-depth review of how it buys goods and services and who makes the purchases.


Governmentwide contracting: In praise of duplication and overlap

Blogger Steve Kelman writes that the problem of having different prices for the same item across various contracts is better than having just one bad price everywhere.


Total number of interagency/enterprisewide contracts is anyone's guess

Federal agencies spend about $60 billion a year on interagency and enterprisewide contracts, but there is limited evidence that they are being effectively used and managed, according to the Government Accountability Office.


Senate votes to expand access Federal Supply Schedules

The Senate has passed the Federal Supply Schedules Usage Act, which would make permanent programs that allow states and local governments buy goods and services from the General Services Administration’s Multiple Award Schedules program’s contracts.


VA publishes draft solicitation for upcoming 'T4' IT acquisition

The Veterans Affairs Department is preparing to request bids on its $12 billion Transformation Twenty-One Total Technology IT services acquisition in June.


Bursting the bubble for federal contractors

The $1 billion acquisition of Stanley by CGI Group of Montreal might be a harbinger of tough times ahead for federal contractors.


Closer management can rein in agency contractor ranks, OFPP chief says

Agencies can balance their relationships with contractors with additional resources going to management, according to Office of Federal Procurement Policy Administrator Daniel Gordon.


Federal IT execs share approaches to working with industry

Senior federal information technology officials today discussed making government data available and working with industry during an event hosted by the Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association’s Bethesda Chapter.


Another suggestion for better contracts

Good ideas for improving government contracting need effective oversight to succeed, writes Richard D. Lieberman.


Boosting the role of the CAO

The chief acquisition offier's role is a strategic function and not secondary to the roles of his or her C-level counterparts, writes Ron Falcone.


Simplifying contract terms for commercial items means walking a fine line

Contract language that is intended to simplify business for contractors requires careful analysis, writes Joseph Petrillo, a lawyer at Washington law firm Petrillo and Powell.


Army applies boot camp approach to acquisition workforce

The program aims to train new contracting professionals to take on work with minimal oversight, writes Harry Hallock, executive director of the Army’s TACOM Contracting Center in Warren, Mich.


Three ways to revitalize the use of past-performance data

Blogger Steve Kelman suggests three simple steps to make past-performance data a more valuable criterion in source selections.


OFPP's Frontline Forum is back

Blogger Steve Kelman is pleased to see that OFPP's Dan Gordon has revived the practice of meeting with contracting professionals from across the government.


HUD CIO seeks help with IT investment system

The Housing and Urban Development Department asks small-business contractors to bid on supporting HUD's IT Investment Management system.


Here's the pitch: An acquisition workforce reality show

As with all things in our culture, if we really want the world of acquisition training to be better known and understood, we need to create a reality show for it.


Is open source the cure for what ails VA's e-records?

An industry group convened by VA CIO Roger Baker is advising that VistA move to an open source platform and phase out MUMPS.


VA exceeds contracting goals for veteran-owned businesses, GAO says

The Veterans Affairs Department surpassed its goals for contracting with companies owned by veterans during the last three years, GAO reports.


Inherently governmental job proposal blurs a blurry world

The new phrases “closely associated with inherently governmental function” and “critical function,” are causing the most concern, panelists say.