
Kelman: Inconvenient truths

Getting a demoralized contracting community back on track is possible with good leadership


GSA, Army sign enterprise license deals for IT asset management

Agencies buying asset management software could save more than 50 percent off GSA schedule prices.


Industry to evaluate GSA's grasp on info protection services

The agency wants to put individual services, such as credit monitoring and independent risk analysis, into one contract.


Bush: Provisions in small-biz bill 'constitutionally suspect'

The legislation would allow agencies to confine competition for some contracts to women business owners in male-dominated industries, and it would raise the net worth business owners can have and still be eligible for the 8(a) program.


Acquisition reform proves slow-going, panelists say

The current political environment makes agency officials wary of trying innovative contracting methods, according to a panel at the Executive Leadership Conference.


Grassley: Sun controversy a sign of deeper contracting problems

GSA officials take issue with the senator's perspective, saying the now-expired contract with Sun was "not the example of contracting irregularities that some have hoped."


NIH seeks enterprise Web content system

The agency wants something that can integrate with existing systems in a diverse IT environment.


Top 20 contracts feds like to use

The 20 most-used government IT contracts


States get SmartBuy discounts

SafeBoot extends USDA’s discount prices for encryption to state, local governments


IG warns against year-end spending frenzy at IRS

At IRS, hurried spending leads to wasteful errors


Editorial: Fixing the spree

We are two weeks into the new fiscal year, and nearly everyone is recovering from the annual end-of-year spending spree.


Kelman: The art of negotiation

Many contracting officials are showing business savvy on behalf of the government. GSA should help them.


Letter: Give service-disabled veteran-owned businesses a break

Put those businesses into the same category as Alaska native-owned companies.


GSA offers risk analysis services for breaches

The agency signed BPAs with Identity Theft Guard Solutions and SRA International to provide the services.


EPA awards Alion another waste cleanup contract

The company will provide analysis of waste samples, analytical and field support services, and technical information and electronic data transfer capabilities.


Last-minute spending hurts IRS, IG says

As a result of the rush, the agency sometimes violates regulations, and contractors may have skipped steps in the procurement process, a new report states.


HHS awards $22.5M in contracts to health info exchanges

The exchanges will participate in trial implementations of the Nationwide Health Information Network.


No pain, no gain on small-biz goals

The Census Bureau applies pressure to prime contractors via contract award fees.


Large contractors need to give small biz more chances

Large prime contractors tend to let small businesses take on jobs the big guys won't make a lot of money doing, a reader says.


GSA awards $0 contract for spending database data

Global Computing Enterprises, which runs the Federal Procurement Data System, received the contract to supply contracting and grants data with a bid of $0.