
Rising Star: Kevin E. Brisley

Manpower Analyst / Senior Human Resources Manager, Command, Control, Communications and Cyber Systems Directorate, U.S. Transportation Command


Rising Star: Will Cahoe

Projects Coordinator, 10x, General Services Administration


Rising Star: Samer Madarani

Partner Account Director - Partnership Development, Dovel Technologies


Rising Star: Omid Ghaffari-Tabrizi

Acquisitions Lead, Centers of Excellence, General Services Administration


Rising Star: Michelle Johnson

Communications Manager and Senior Research Analyst, Section 809 Panel, Defense Acquisition University


Rising Star: Dr. Leonie Heyworth

Director of Synchronous Telehealth, VHA Office of Connected Care/ Telehealth Services, Veterans Health Administration, Department of Veterans Affairs


DOD to get interim agile software rules

A new adaptive acquisition framework being rolled out by the Defense Department will boost software development.


Navy increases OTA use but is wary of too many consortiums

The Navy has ramped up its use of other transaction authorities, according to the deputy assistant secretary for procurement, but must make sure they stay focused on the intended purpose.


GSA looks for agency buy-in on e-commerce platform

The General Services Administration is consulting with potential federal users to get them ready to use upcoming e-commerce platform.


Why data is key to GSA's e-commerce plan

Federal spending and pricing data -- and who can access what -- are critical to success of the General Services Administration's e-commerce platform plans.


FBI CIO joins tech lobbying group

Information Technology Industry Council is renewing its focus on public sector with the addition of FBI CIO Gordon Bitko.


GSA's schedule merger to show changes next summer

Federal contracting officers will see biggest change from GSA's work to merge multiple purchasing schedules into a single one as the third phase closes in mid-2020.


COMET, EIS moving ahead at GSA

Federal Acquisition Service head Alan Thomas is retiring just as two major overhauls are showing results.


NASA's big contract vehicle lowers fee

In the wake of a flush spending season, Solutions for Enterprise-Wide Procurement cuts agency customers a better deal.