
FCC honored again for cloud embrace

The agency is now the only two-time CIO 100 winner from government and is working to smooth other organizations' path to the cloud


Congress plans one-week punt on funding deadline

Congress and the White House need more time to come to terms on a package to fund the federal government for the remainder of fiscal year 2017.


Congress pushes DOD on IT acquisition agility

Despite years of reform efforts and legislation, the DOD is still struggling to become more agile with IT acquisition, and Congress is searching for answers why.


'Full speed' at DIUx, says chief

The 2017 Defense authorization bill put temporary funding restrictions on DIUx, but the innovation organization says it is forging ahead and now has 25 contracts in place worth $48 million.


Is IT exempt from Trump's 'Buy American' order?

Given the global supply chain, determining the national provenance of a piece of technology is a tricky business. And in any case, Congress long ago carved out an exception for commercial IT products.


JIDO goes agile, but can DOD?

The Joint Improvised-threat Defeat Organization has spent the last five years implementing an agile DevOps framework, but scaling that across the DOD is another challenge altogether.


'Buy American' order puts procurement in the spotlight

Some IT contractors are worried that the "buy American" executive order from President Trump could squeeze key innovators out of the market.


Getting agencies access to insider threat solutions

Thanks to GWACs and small businesses, a growing number of options are available.


What are the real reasons small firms won't sell to the government?

Steve Kelman goes outside the traditional government contractor community for insights into the true barriers to entry.


IT insiders tell GAO what works

As FITARA implementation progresses, a government watchdog convened a group of tech leaders to share lessons learned about acquisition.


White House taps old policies for new government makeover

New guidance from OMB advises agencies to use shared services, GWACs and federal schedules for acquisition, and to leverage IT wherever possible in restructuring plans.


What's the future of defense innovation under Trump?

The president has called for rebuilding the U.S. military, but given budget constraints, innovation and modernization could take a backseat to readiness and force size.


OMB: The IT management lights are on

Federal IT doesn't stop for political transitions, said OMB officials who are concentrating on making sure efficiency and workforce policies from the last few years are working.


Dave Powner: Oversight that's on your side

GAO's director of IT management issues is a tough critic, but one who's top concern is finding ways to fix the problems.


David Moskovitz: Collaborator-in-chief

Accenture Federal Services' chief executive believes his teams must “earn the right to innovate with our client.”


It's official: AT&T wins $6.5 billion FirstNet award

The 25-year agreement to build out a national public safety wireless broadband network has been awarded to AT&T.


The 2017 Federal 100

The women and men who make up this year's Fed 100 are proof positive of what one person can make possibile in federal IT. Read on to learn more about each and every winner's accomplishments.


DIUx head wants to drive culture change at DOD

The head of the Defense Innovation Unit Experimental says his goal is to drive culture change in the DOD's acquisition and innovation processes rather than make DIUx the acquisition arm of the DOD.


Trump's budget revives calls for air traffic shift

There are serious obstacles to moving air traffic operations away from the FAA, despite calls to do so in the president's budget.


IG: Census underestimates costs of 2020 count

Inaccurate assumptions in the Census Bureau's 2016 test plan are contributing to the agency's underestimation of what the 2020 enumeration will cost.