
Let's talk about Alliant 2

The General Services Administration is going to great lengths to gather feedback on its IT services GWAC. Will it make for a better acquisition vehicle?


What cyber insurance can do for contractors

When it comes to cybersecurity, the SAFETY Act deserves a second look, but companies should also consider commercial coverage.


Small business contracts: Digging into agencies' performance

The percentage of contracts going to small businesses varies widely from agency to agency -- and the patterns for specific small-business types are even more interesting.


Unlike Clinger and Cohen, Connolly says he's here to stay

The authors of the last big federal IT reform law left Congress soon after enactment. Virginia Democrat Gerry Connolly says "we're going to continue to watch over" FITARA implementation.


NGA prepares directive to speed acquisition

NGA Deputy Director Susan Gordon says coming guidance will put tangible policy behind the agency’s oft-stated goal of more quickly deploying technologies.


Eagerly awaited agile BPA is delayed

18F's novel agile procurement attempt is pushed back while the agency works to answer all the vendor questions pouring in.


GSA Schedule tools expanding

As options expand, some of the "wiggle room" in Multiple Awards Schedule pricing is being winnowed out.


GSA, SEWP, NITAAC collaborate on computer needs

Acquisition managers surveyed users at 26 federal agencies about what kinds of laptops and desktops are most commonly used, and used the input to set baseline configurations.


Federal shared services: Why legislation is necessary

The White House could use a push to pick up the pace on shared services and lock in the benefits for future administrations.


FedBid emerging from a tough winter, says CEO

"Nine months ago we had 75 agency customers. We still have 75 agency customers," says former OFPP head Joe Jordan.


18F readies agile BPA

The 18-page RFQ aims to establish a common contracting vehicle for agencies seeking vendors specializing in agile delivery services.


Is NetCents-2 finally cleared for takeoff?

After more than a year of protests and re-competes, the Air Force's big IT acquisition vehicle is close to being fully open for business.


VA set to test new-look health record interface

VA's pending system helps solve the agency's internal interoperability problems, while extending data to the DoD.


Spires: Some agencies will struggle with FITARA implementation

The former DHS CIO will tell Congress how experienced government and industry IT hands can support the new acquisition legislation.


Should the National Labs be exempt from FITARA?

Senate bill carves out exemption for supercomputing and other lab IT; an earlier version of the measure would have exempted the entire Department of Energy.