
Debacle or triumph: The deciding factors

Steve Kelman looks at four fundamental factors that can determine whether a large-scale IT project fails or flourishes.


18F unveils first pilot app

FBOpen is designed to make it easier for small businesses to search for contracting opportunities.


McKinsey to consult with IRS on health care law IT

The IRS has its own IT office dedicated to compliance, but wants help dealing with a flurry of new releases due by 2016.


Acquisition environment 'is receptive to new ideas'

Feds hope to make a virtue of necessity by overhauling the acquisition landscape in response to stagnant IT budgets.


Deadline looms for $6 billion military intelligence IT contract

Vendors interested in the $6 billion Enhanced Solutions for Technology Enterprise need to submit their proposals by mid-May.


What McCaskill is missing about past performance data

A punishment-only approach is bad psychology and bad management, even if it may be good politics.


GSA signs up continuous monitoring vendor

The agency issued a task order to Metrica Team Venture for agency- and federal-level CDM dashboards.


McCaskill probes 'clunky' contracting databases

Plans have been in place since 2001 to create an integrated contractor database, but delays, cost overruns and development problems have pushed back the scheduled completion date to 2018.


Two bills look to give small business an edge in contracting

Small Business Committee Chairman Sam Graves hopes that putting teeth in data reporting requirements will give smaller firms a better chance to compete for federal contracts.


House passes FITARA (again)

The IT acquisition bill, modified since it first went to the Senate in 2013, was approved by voice vote.


FITARA to get another look in the House

The IT acquisition overhaul bill the House will vote on Tuesday includes a few changes from the version included in the House-passed defense policy measure last year.


In search of a bolder procurement process

Results of a study on barriers to government contracting are expected to be released in early March.


More than 100 sign OASIS deals

Federal users can choose from among seven pools of providers for professional services offerings, including logistic, IT, engineering, financial management and scientific trades and services.


Making the government the market of first resort

Rather than spend time and money adhering to the government's rigid procurement requirements, innovative new companies should have the ability to graduate into compliance.


ICE license plate-reader solicitation canceled

The DHS agency was seeking a company to build a smart phone-accessible database of license plate information that agents could use in the field.


ICE wants license plate database for field agents

A solicitation said the database service should track vehicle license plate numbers captured by several sources, including cameras, law enforcement and repo men.


A little help, please?

FCW cartoonist John Klossner's take on and the talk of procurement reform.