
Davie: GSA saved a billion on 2013 IT buys

The assistant commissioner for Integrated Technology Services claimed $1.35 billion in savings through innovation and reduced duplication of effort.


Financial management and freedom of choice

An industry spokesman argues that an official preference for federal shared service providers will hurt the agencies hoping to consolidate.


Better contracting through multisourcing

The approach can help reduce risk and improve oversight at a time when agencies are being asked to do more with less.


Bump in executive contractor compensation leaves everyone unhappy

OFPP announced a new cap of $952,308, but experts say further changes are possible.


DOD issues new acquisition guidelines

The Pentagon's acquisition system remains largely unchanged, but the new guidance is designed to improve the critical early phases of the acquisition cycle.


New ITIC lobbyist says FITARA needs more work

In a blog post, Erica McCann suggested the bill’s acquisition provisions become part of a broader Hill discussion on IT procurement.


5 factors to consider when selecting an open-source vendor

Open source solutions are at a key inflection point. That means huge opportunities for agencies, but also some important concerns.


IT management reform: It is time for new legislation

Legislation alone will not fix federal IT management, Richard Spires argues, but there are fundamental problems that a new statute can help address.


IT procurement and Searching for scapegoats?

There are plenty of serious problems with, Steve Kelman argues, but the procurement system itself does not appear to be one of them.


GSA looks to trim Microsoft product costs

The General Services Administration says a new blanket purchase agreement could save the agencies 15-20 percent annually on commercial software.


FITARA proposed as part of Senate defense package

Move could fast-track IT procurement reform, as the House added its version to the defense authorization bill in June.


Bolden: Crew transport project will drive innovation

The next phase of the Commercial Crew Program will "spur American ingenuity," NASA chief says.


Can IT procurement be saved?

The problems with large federal IT projects are deep, broad and mostly immune to quick fixes. So what's to be done?


Affiliation rules muddy small business contracting waters

As Congress asks questions about small business status, acquisition experts say inter-firm associations are the real issue.


DISA cloud contract deadline extended again

The Enterprise Storage Service II contract will be worth up to $427 million.


Obama talks IT procurement

The debacle makes clear the importance of smart acquisition practices.


NASA sets mid-November SEWP deadline

The five-year contract would be the fifth iteration of the popular IT vehicle.


A world without competition

OMB's guidance for financial systems shortchanges commercial providers -- and could deny agencies a full range of choices.


Swedes debate procurement, competition and public services

Steve Kelman looks at what another nation's policies can teach us about public management.


Border towers delayed by shutdown

Contracts for high-tech sensor system will wait until at least early 2014.