
DOD officials outline next steps in acquisition reform

More than two years ago, Pentagon officials rolled out plans to overhaul Defense Department acquisition as part of broader spending reform. Now military leaders are pressing ahead with the next generation of the acquisition initiative.


GAO urges agencies to learn from private-sector purchasing

Big businesses know how to save money when negotiating contracts. A new report suggests that the government could emulate some commercial practices to good effect.


Why not 'functionally better' instead of 'technically acceptable'?

IAC Chairman Dale Luddeke says fiscal pressures dictate that agencies get more from their acquisitions by shifting their focus from price to excellence.


GSA is saying what?

The General Services Administration's plan for handling past-performance information under the forthcoming OASIS contract is a bad idea, Steve Kelman believes.


NASA seeks feedback on next-generation technology contract

Agency explores a move to firm-fixed-price with the next iteration of its Simulation and Software Technology contract.


A new way to 'make it up on volume'

GSA IG finds vendors using poorly worded contract clause to sidestep price reductions.


FITARA: More than a tweak, less than a revolution

The latest procurement reform bill ensures CIO budget authority, a 'sea change' according to one former CIO.


Behavioral approaches to contract negotiations

Steve Kelman finds a seminar track that approaches procurement from a new perspective.


Administration pushes back on IT sourcing restrictions

Could restrictions on buying IT from China prove "highly disruptive" to agencies?


Acquisition mythbusting gets the spotlight

Work for an agency that did great things with acquisition? You might want to consider it for the Myth-busting Award.


China pushes back against new IT sourcing rules

Restriction on four agencies could affect trade relations, Ministry of Commerce official warns.


Sprint, SoftBank pledge to avoid Huawei after merger

Announcement reflects congressional concerns over cybersecurity and Chinese espionage.


DOD competes fewer contracts

GAO finds more than 30 percent of Pentagon spending went to non-competitive awards in fiscal 2012.


GSA releases draft OASIS RFPs

Professional services vehicle aims to complement GSA schedules for cross-government demands.


FITARA in context: Procurement reform since Clinger-Cohen

The Clinger-Cohen Act of 1996 is widely recognized as a watershed moment in federal IT procurement legislation, and several bills since then have shaped the system further. Where does the Federal IT Acquisition Reform Act, now under consideration in Congress, fit into the big picture?


IG raps Air Force for contracting lapses

Air Force contracting officers have not consistently followed the rules for issuing solicitations for risky cost-reimbursement contracts.


Procurement reform bill passes committee

Despite complaints from advocacy groups that they've had too little time to review new provisions, the Federal Information Technology Acquisition Reform Act has cleared its first hurdle.