CBP Explores Options to Boost Access to Commercial Airline Data

Responses to a new RFI are due later this month.
Sources and services to electronically transmit data on commercial passengers and cargo flying in American skies are of interest to the U.S. Customs and Border Protection agency.
As the Homeland Security Department’s component tasked with clearing millions of cargo shipments yearly and keeping terrorists out of the nation, according to a recent request for information, the agency could use the data as it conducts its law enforcement-centered responsibilities.
“CBP has a critical need to obtain names and related information of passengers who are arriving and departing the U.S. on commercial airlines,” the RFI noted. “Equally important, CBP needs to obtain manifests of cargo being transported to the U.S.”
This ongoing requirement falls under the entity’s Office of Information and Technology Enterprise Data Management and Engineering Directorate. Specifically, the need is for electronically obtained airline-related data including Passenger Name Records, air cargo manifests, advance passenger information, passenger manifests, as well as messaging to CBP, in support of its mandate to “screen people and cargo entering, exiting, and overflying the United States of America and its territories.”
The agency ultimately intends to gain a better grasp of the full range of available options for such data-moving services and a look into vendors that might be interested in becoming the relevant providers.
The RFI details the potentially contractor-provided managed network and messaging services needed to transfer the information. In it, CBP poses more than 20 questions regarding capabilities that exist.
“Does your company provide internetworking, telecommunications circuits, logical connections, and data services permitting CBP to interconnect to your network, to obtain access to airline data?” federal officials asked.
The deadline for responses is set for April 19.
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