Artificial Intelligence

Report: Emerging Tech Has Become a Tool for Government Censorship

Part one of a two-part report from the International Trade Commission outlines the adverse impact emerging technologies and censorship policies have on U.S.foreign trade. 

Artificial Intelligence

Air Force Doubles Down on Tech to Stay On Top of Supply Chain Demands

Officials recently shed light on a system that explores “what-ifs” connected to needed assets.

Artificial Intelligence

Report: Ensure Federal AI Policies are Aligned

Federal agencies may not be on the same page when it comes to artificial intelligence programs.

Artificial Intelligence

Defense Official: Talent Tops Tools for Executing Data Strategy

The DOD’s chief data officer emphasized the importance of personnel over equipment for how the military is trying to obtain a data advantage over adversaries like China.

Artificial Intelligence

US Army Announces New Machine Learning Tech For Burn Treatment

The Defense Department will partner with two private medical research centers to develop a portable tool for soldiers to assess burns.

Artificial Intelligence

Navy Launches SCOUT To Expand AI Capabilities

The U.S. Navy’s SCOUT Experimentation aims to develop automated and emerging technologies into targeted problem areas among warfighters.

Artificial Intelligence

Air Force Expands AI Training With Simulated Battle Plans

The Air Force is looking to develop a gaming environment to help expedite decision-making in battle scenarios.

Artificial Intelligence

White House AI Initiative Launches Public Research Support Tools

The National Artificial Intelligence Initiative Office opened a new page dedicated to providing AI researchers with sophisticated tools to bolster research projects.

Artificial Intelligence

AI Workforce Training Bill Clears Senate

The bipartisan legislation aims to strengthen federal employees’ AI knowledge, with a focus on procurement professionals.

Artificial Intelligence

VA Adding Physical Therapy Device To AI Roster

The Veterans Affairs Department is looking to pilot a new physical therapy application for injury treatment.

Artificial Intelligence

VA Aims To Reduce Administrative Tasks With AI, Machine Learning

A wide-reaching program looks for fresh machine learning technology to complete menial procedures and tasks, allowing VA clinicians and partners to focus on care.

Artificial Intelligence

NIST Asks for Input on Emerging Tech Trends and Risks for Congressional Study

Topics of interest include artificial intelligence, blockchain, quantum computing, autonomous delivery technologies—and more

Artificial Intelligence

Homeland Security Looking For Ideas on AI, Biological Surveillance

The Department of Homeland Security released a pre-solicitation for several innovative development projects.

Artificial Intelligence

DIU Issues Step-by-Step Guide for Defense Stakeholders to ‘Responsibly’ Use AI

The framework is meant to promote transparency and accelerate the Pentagon’s adoption of trustworthy commercial technologies.

Artificial Intelligence

DHS Researching Public Perception of Facial Recognition and AI Use 

The Department of Homeland Security is collecting privacy concerns as critics fight to ban facial recognition outright.