Artificial Intelligence

Critical Update: What a Treasury Office is Learning from Its Blockchain Projects

That’s not the only emerging technology the Fiscal Service Bureau’s innovation office is experimenting with. 

Artificial Intelligence

Watch App Identifies Sounds for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing People

People found the app was useful for letting them know if there was something that they should pay attention to.

Artificial Intelligence

NOAA Partners with Google to Boost Weather Forecasts with AI

The roughly $10 million deal will also incorporate new hands-on training opportunities for both entities’ personnel.

Artificial Intelligence

VA Piloting AI to Predict Mortality Rates of COVID-19 Patients

The tool has been in development since the spring and is now being piloted ahead of a larger rollout, VA officials said.

Artificial Intelligence

NGA Offers Cash Prizes for Tech that Can Identify a Location By Its Sound

The agency intends to figure out whether specific locations can be distinguished using sound-based machine learning methods.

Artificial Intelligence

White House Strategy Names 20 Emerging Technologies Crucial to National Security

As part of the strategy, the administration is encouraging government agencies to research, develop and buy more emerging technologies.

Artificial Intelligence

AI Commission Recommends Powerful CTOs to Prep for Great Power Competition

The National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence offers 66 recommendations for out-innovating China.

Artificial Intelligence

National Security AI Commission at Odds Over U.S. Response to Malign AI

The National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence voted on quarter three recommendations in what was likely its last public meeting for 2020

Artificial Intelligence

DOD Unveils First Enterprisewide Data Strategy

The new data strategy will be a key component supporting the Defense Department’s digital modernization effort, officials say.

Artificial Intelligence

Congressional Report Spotlights AI, Emerging Technologies as Future of National Security

The House Armed Services Committee’s Future of Defense Task Force released its final report advocating for a revolution in how the U.S. approaches national security. 

Artificial Intelligence

CIA’s New Innovation Lab Could Mean Big Paydays for Federal Scientists

The agency is investing in cutting-edge technology and offering officials a chance to profit off their developments.

Artificial Intelligence

Agencies Should Consider the Pros and Cons of Artificial Intelligence

Officials pushed agencies to examine the trade-offs—both positive and negative—as they adopt emerging technologies. 

Artificial Intelligence

Hurd, Kelly Introduce Resolution to Encourage Governmentwide Vision of Artificial Intelligence

The resolution urges lawmakers to pass legislation to encourage federal agencies to develop innovative artificial intelligence tools.

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence Commission Pushes New Programs to Recruit Tech-Savvy Talent into DOD

Adopting emerging technologies will also need a top-down push and restructured leadership, according to National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence recommendations.

Artificial Intelligence

Defense Innovation Board Adopts AI Testing, Digital Workforce Recruitment Resolutions

The board pushed the department to embrace remote work beyond the pandemic as a tool to attract more civilian talent. 

Artificial Intelligence

How the Pentagon’s JAIC Says It’s Prioritizing Ethics In Its AI-Driven Pursuits

Joint Artificial Intelligence Center officials stay connected with stakeholders through an executive steering group and other working groups.