Artificial Intelligence

Those Facebook 'Challenges' Can Expose You to Hackers

Games can often extract sensitive information about a person, such as their first job, their first car, or their mother’s maiden name.

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence Outperforms Human Analysts In This Key Area

An experiment from the Defense Intelligence Agency shows that AI and humans have different risk tolerances when data is scarce.

Artificial Intelligence

NGA Knows Its Challenges, Now It Needs the Tech to Address Them

The world is changing—from commercially available GEOINT to COVID-19—so the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency released a list of tech challenges the agency needs help to overcome.

Artificial Intelligence

The Amazon Lockdown: How an Unforgiving Algorithm Drives Suppliers to Favor the E-Commerce Giant Over Other Retailers

At a time when much of the retail sector is collapsing, Amazon is strengthening its competitive position in ways that could outlast the pandemic — and raise antitrust concerns.

Artificial Intelligence

Defense is Embracing Robotic Process Automation But It’s Not Yet Scaling It

Bot security and varying cloud infrastructure could make it tough for the Pentagon to spread RPA tools. 

Artificial Intelligence

The Pentagon Will Use AI to Predict Panic Buying, COVID-19 Hotspots

The prototype can predict trends in supply and demand and infection down to the zip code.

Artificial Intelligence

Critical Update: How the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office Plans to Run ‘Better, Cheaper, Faster’ Tech

Chief Information Officer Jamie Holcombe and his team are stabilizing and modernizing IT to help meet growing demands in a changing marketplace.

Artificial Intelligence

DARPA Wants Tech That Can Trick Computer Vision

Neural networks can adapt and learn to identify and classify objects but they can also be stumped by cleverly placed pixels. 

Artificial Intelligence

Army Wants to Study How Humans Team With AI—And Vice Versa

A new contract will focus on the teaming aspect of artificial intelligence in warfare by analyzing how humans and machines think when working together.

Artificial Intelligence

Pentagon Needs Tools to Test the Limits of Its Artificial Intelligence Projects

The Joint Artificial Intelligence Center seeks cutting-edge evaluation capabilities to assess what systems can and can’t effectively do.

Artificial Intelligence

White House Expands Coronavirus-Focused Supercomputing Consortium

Officials are putting high-performance computing resources to work across the country to help combat COVID-19.

Artificial Intelligence

Summer Space Program Considers Shift to Virtual Version Due to Coronavirus

The SETI Institute is rethinking how to host its competitive summer program for accelerating space research.

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence in Action

Federal agencies are laying the groundwork now for how artificial intelligence, machine learning and automation may change their operations in not-so-distant future.

Artificial Intelligence

CDC Launches COVID-19 Bot to Help You Decide If You Need to See a Doctor

The Coronavirus Self-Checker, a Microsoft-powered health care tool, was built to alleviate some of the initial screening strains health care providers are experiencing.

Artificial Intelligence

Government Partnership Offers Cash Prizes for AI Tools That Support Coronavirus Research

A new open research database and artificial intelligence challenge will help the U.S. crowdsource its pandemic response.

Artificial Intelligence

NIST Works on the Industries of the Future in Buildings from the Past

The standards agency updated lawmakers on its artificial intelligence and quantum computing efforts and it’s $775 million deferred maintenance backlog.

Artificial Intelligence

The Pentagon’s AI Shop Takes A Venture Capital Approach to Funding Tech

The Joint Artificial Intelligence Center will take a Series A, B, approach to building tech for customers, with product managers and mission teams.

Artificial Intelligence

White House Touts a Year of AI Initiatives in Roundup Report

The Office of Science and Technology Policy released a list of accomplishments in promoting artificial intelligence, including efforts to adopt cutting-edge technologies within the federal government.

Artificial Intelligence

NOAA Launches New Strategy to Streamline and Advance Its AI-Driven Efforts

The agency outlined its goals to accelerate the use of artificial intelligence across the enterprise.