Artificial Intelligence

The Crazy Government Research Projects You Might've Missed in 2019

Self-aware artificial intelligence, biology-based computers and “smart” surveillance are just a few.

Artificial Intelligence

Commerce Partnership Opportunity Aims to Amplify Feds' Data Use

The department’s National Technical Information Service is looking for services to help agencies use data as an asset.

Artificial Intelligence

New York Just Set a ‘Dangerous Precedent’ on Algorithms, Experts Warn

NYC’s task force on algorithms was supposed to be a beacon of transparent government. It couldn’t even gain access to basic information.

Artificial Intelligence

How to Train Computers Faster for 'Extreme' Datasets

A divide-and-conquer approach to machine learning could speed up problems in speech translation and answering general questions.

Artificial Intelligence

Special Operations Command Made a Mind-Reading Kit For Elite Troops

The experimental tool is among several that aim to combine sensors and AI to give U.S. operators a new edge.

Artificial Intelligence

Emerging Technology Trends

A look at developments in innovation across the federal technology landscape in 2019.

Artificial Intelligence

Senators Want to Know How FTC, CMS Will Prevent Bias in Health Care Algorithms

Sens. Ron Wyden and Cory Booker also asked five industry giants how to mitigate discrimination against minority patients. 

Artificial Intelligence

Report: 'Smishing,' Deepfakes to Continue to Rise in 2020

Drones may also be more widely weaponized to steal consumer data from public Wi-Fi networks, according to a new report on 2020 data breach trend predictions.

Artificial Intelligence

The Pentagon's AI Center Needs a Cloud Integrator

Selected vendors would help the Joint AI Center deploy its main development platform in the cloud.

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence Could Have Biggest Impact on White-Collar Jobs

New research suggests that white collar jobs are more likely to feel the impacts of artificial intelligence in the workplace than blue-collar positions.

Artificial Intelligence

Army Hires AI Firm to Predict When Aircraft, Vehicles & Weapons Will Break

Following the Air Force, Navy, and Marine Corps, the service hopes a small company can organize the data from decades-old maintenance logs.

Artificial Intelligence

Report: Government Needs Investment, Cooperation on AI

A report commissioned by industry and government AI leaders highlights national security challenges around artificial intelligence.

Artificial Intelligence

DISA Previews Big Tech Opportunities for 2020

The Pentagon’s IT shop released a list of next year’s contracting opportunities, including 12 worth more than $100 million.

Artificial Intelligence

Google Wants More Work from the Defense Department

A senior vice president ruled out working directly on weapons programs, but said other areas are fair game.

Artificial Intelligence

US Reliance on China Problematic for AI Efforts, Commission Says

But despite concerns, Eric Schmidt and Bob Work warn that decoupling from China 'will hurt the United States.'

Artificial Intelligence

CISA, DARPA Offer Look Into their Dealings with Deepfakes

Agency and industry officials outlined their approaches to disinformation campaigns ahead of election 2020.

Artificial Intelligence

Defense Innovation Board Lays Out 5 Key Principles for Ethical AI

The guidance is intended to steer the department’s expanding AI portfolio and reassure the public that military leaders take concerns about bias, transparency and accountability seriously.