Artificial Intelligence

How One City Saved $5 Million by Routing School Buses with an Algorithm

The Boston Public School District held a contest to determine the best solution for busing around 25,000 students to school every day. The winning algorithm improved the efficiency of the routes in 30 minutes.

Artificial Intelligence

NIST Lays Out Roadmap for Developing Artificial Intelligence Standards

The plan is meant to help federal leaders roll out standards that reduce the potential risks of AI without stifling innovation. 

Artificial Intelligence

How Libraries are Embracing Artificial Intelligence

A humanoid robot named Pepper helps teach coding at Roanoke County Public Libraries, one of many branches across the country embracing the emerging technology.

Artificial Intelligence

DARPA Is Taking On the Deepfake Problem

The agency wants to teach computers to detect errors in manipulated media using logic and common sense.

Artificial Intelligence

This Dashcam App Can Map Traffic in Near-Real-Time

The traffic safety app Nexar’s new “Live Map” feature lets anyone peek in on near-real-time video footage of city streets.

Artificial Intelligence

NSF Seeks Ideas for Using Artificial Intelligence to Boost the Wireless Spectrum

The agency is hosting a workshop highlighting the opportunities and challenges for artificial intelligence applications across the wireless spectrum.

Artificial Intelligence

Agencies Need Tech-Savvy Feds to Address AI Challenges

Algorithmic bias, security and explainability are among the top issues the government must address as it hands over more responsibility to AI, according to a recent report.

Artificial Intelligence

White House Science Chief: U.S. is Still Beating China In AI, Quantum Research

But that doesn’t mean the country should rest on its laurels, according to OSTP Director Kelvin Droegemeier.

Artificial Intelligence

Government Should Address Potential Bias in Artificial Intelligence, Lawmakers Say

A pair of congressmen outlined their plans to ensure that systems don’t discriminate—even unintentionally.

Artificial Intelligence

How AI Will Help Radar Detect Tiny Drones 3 Kilometers Away

Small drones are becoming a big problem. Here’s how next-generation neural networking techniques could help.

Artificial Intelligence

Air Force Wants Simulated Wargames to Plan For Lasers, Electro-Magnetic Weapons

The wargames are meant to teach airmen about these new weapons and help the Air Force develop new tactics and procedures.

Artificial Intelligence

The Pentagon Releases Its 5-Year Digital Modernization Strategy 

Officials outlined plans to drive innovation, streamline IT acquisitions and build a more agile and resilient cyber posture.

Artificial Intelligence

The AI That Could Help Curb Youth Suicide

For many reasons, parents and teachers may fail to intervene when they spot LGBTQ teens in trouble. Can Google help?

Artificial Intelligence

VA Appoints First-Ever Artificial Intelligence Director

The move represents a broader push to improve veteran care through AI-enabled solutions.

Artificial Intelligence

OMB: How Can We Enhance Federal Data to Boost AI Research?

Artificial intelligence runs best on strong datasets and the White House wants the public to weigh in to improve both.

Artificial Intelligence

How AI Will Transform Anti-Submarine Warfare

New Navy projects seek to capture more data about the oceans’ depths—then train computers to out-think human captains.

Artificial Intelligence

Congress Wants DHS to Study Disruptive Deepfake Videos

Bills introduced in the House and Senate aim to combat the forged media through comprehensive research and technological assessments. 

Artificial Intelligence

AI, Cyber Get Big Boost in Senate-Passed NDAA

The legislation would free up some $600 million for AI and cyber research, lock down the federal supply chain and prep the Pentagon for the cloud.