In the federal government, oversight agencies have long urged agencies to modernize their networks. Modernization is moving along, as most agencies have initiatives underway, but some aren’t as far along as they could be.
While there has been progress—especially in switching from the Networx telecommunications contracting vehicle to the more modern Enterprise Infrastructure Solutions (EIS) contract, agencies are at different levels in implementing modern technologies, replacing legacy infrastructure and shoring up security. Without significant progress, it’s difficult to increase efficiency; enable protection of sensitive data, networks and critical infrastructure; and move forward with broader IT modernization plans. Legacy networking technology also can inhibit agencies’ use of emerging technologies like artificial intelligence and machine learning, the Internet of Things (IoT) and edge computing, all of which require bandwidth, network speed and flexibility.
Download this Solutions Guide to learn how by breaking it down into manageable pieces and repurposing existing technology when feasible, agencies can create a transition path that will get them where they need to go.