Most companies acknowledge security breaches

More than half of technology companies say they have experienced security breaches in the past year, a Deloitte survey finds.

More than half of the technology companies recently surveyed in a Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu study acknowledge they have had security breaches in the past 12 months.

In addition, most companies are not taking aggressive action to prevent future breaches, according to the study, titled “Protecting the Digital Assets.” Deloitte surveyed 150 companies in 30 countries for the study and released a report about it earlier this week.

Agencies and companies work closely in many contract engagements.

Among the other findings:

  • Less than 50 percent of the technology companies surveyed have an enterprisewide business continuity program.

  • Twenty-five percent have implemented or are piloting anti-phishing technologies.

  • Thirty-seven percent provided security training to employees in the past 12 months.

  • About 33 percent regularly perform security risk assessments.