VA contracts for identity, access management licenses

The department has awarded CA a sole-source contract for 50,000 licenses and for support for existing ones.

CMS seeks metadata delivery tool

The Department of Veterans Affairs plans to award a sole-source contract to CA for 50,000 identity and access management software licenses, according to a notice published on the Federal Business Opportunities Web site. The contract also calls for maintenance support and training on 2,500 existing licenses.

Financial terms were not released.

The VA said the purchase will add to its 100,000 CA SiteMinder and 2,500 administrative licenses.

SiteMinder is a Web security product from Netegrity, which CA purchased in 2004 for $430 million in cash. CA said at the time that it wanted to concentrate more on security products, which represented a small percentage of the company’s sales.

Identity and access management solutions manage who has access to resources and services by logging and reporting what users have done and enforcing business, privacy and security policies.

Asked about the VA award, CA spokeswoman Jessica Cassady said, “Unfortunately, we’re not at liberty to discuss the contract.”

CA reported Aug. 14 that its first-quarter net earnings fell 64 percent because expenses grew faster than revenues. First-quarter net income was $35 million or 6 cents a share -- down from $97 million or 16 cents a share a year earlier. Revenues rose from $927 million to $956 million.

The company also announced plans to cut about 1,700 jobs.

“We continue to focus on building and integrating our solutions portfolio to meet the needs of customers, and we are encouraged by their positive reaction to our Enterprise [Information Technology] Management vision,” said John Swainson, CA’s president and chief executive officer, in a statement.

“However, we are not satisfied with our cost structure, and we are implementing an expense-reduction plan to improve the company’s efficiency and competitive position,” he said. “These are the first steps in a long-term program to achieve a best-of-breed cost structure.”