Federal 100 winner: Jaren Doherty

Doherty, associate deputy assistant secretary for cybersecurity at the Veterans Affairs Department, has led an extensive, multifaceted computer security campaign that accomplished a tremendous amount in a matter of months.

Jaren Doherty

Associate deputy assistant secretary for cybersecurity

Veterans Affairs Department

Doherty has led an extensive, multifaceted computer security campaign that accomplished a tremendous amount in a matter of months.

Between February and September 2008, he led the certification and accreditation of 640 VA systems and tested more than 9,000 security controls at more than 200 locations. Doherty also developed an extensive training program that resulted in 182 additional Certified Information Systems Security Professionals.

“Jaren Doherty is the type of leader many aspire to be but few achieve," said Thomas Madden, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s chief information security officer. "These rare leaders exude ‘follow me.' Jaren does so in such a manner that even folks like me, who’d prefer to lead, follow."

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