DHS eyes science and technology research

The Homeland Security Department's Science and Technology Directorate is interested in funding technology research to bolster border, cargo, maritime and cybersecurity.

The Homeland Security Department’s Science and Technology Directorate is asking industry, academia and others to submit research proposals on a range of technology-related topics, according to a recently published notice.

The directorate is looking to fund individuals or teams to perform basic and applied research not related to a specific system or hardware procurement, according to a Long Range Broad Agency Announcement posted on the Federal Business Opportunities Web site. The directorate said it plans to dish out multiple awards. Responses consisting of white papers and full proposals can be submitted throughout calendar year 2010.

Some research areas the directorate listed as being of strategic interest are:

  • Cybersecurity technologies.
  • Border security technologies.
  • Maritime security technologies.
  • Cargo security technologies.
  • Chemical and biological research and development.
  • Threat characterization and attribution.
  • Agro defense.
  • Interoperability.
  • Countermeasures to explosives.
  • Data fusion and automated detection for aviation cargo.
  • Tools and technologies to determine when radical groups are likely to engage in violence.
  • Cyber-physical systems security.