Federal 100: Greg Virgin

Greg Virgin
President and Chief Executive Officer

When the National Security Agency tasked Virgin to help the government ward off cyberattacks, he didn’t rely on available network security technologies. Instead, Virgin developed Analytic Metadata Producer (AMP)/Trickler, a network analysis tool that has found its way into a number of federal information technology security programs.

Virgin, who created AMP/Tricker as an NSA engineer, now advises agencies on the technology as CEO of RedJack. Notable federal deployments include the Defense Information Systems Agency’s Enterprise Collaborative Operational Sensor project. In such applications, AMP/Trickler detects traffic anomalies across networks to protect critical infrastructure and mission-sensitive data.

“Greg’s network security and traffic analysis solutions are central to a number of federal cybersecurity programs across multiple federal agencies,” said Elan Amir, president and CEO of Bivio Networks.

Read more about the 2010 Federal 100 award winners.

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