Soundbytes: Hostile, Arrogant and Mysterious

A weekly roundup of comments from All comments are presented in their original, unedited form.

A weekly roundup of comments from All comments are presented in their original, unedited form.

On Transitioning Out of NSPS

The current Civil Service GS system is horrible, the only thing is every other system designed and implemented from scratch will be so much worse. Read more from John T

By the way, there are personnel rules that can allow for everyone to get an equal raise if DoD wanted to get OPM's approval. Now why didn't he mention that !??! Read more from MY Comment

Are we that callous? Arrogant? Uncaring? The gap between the haves and the have nots is large enough. Read more from DC Commuter

On A governmentwide cybersecurity purchasing contract gains converts

Round and round and round we go....where we stop, no one knows. Read more from Scamoroda

On Could the smart phone be standard issue for every soldier?

Why should my tax dollars go to pay for each soldier to have a smart phone that will mysteriously disappear? From Stranger

On VA faces flood of new claims and charges of a 'hostile' work environment

asking a government union worker for process changes almost always creates a "hostile workplace" From Skip S

what's funny is that typically when telework is involved people get MORE work done anyway! From Hannah Zerphey

I don't see how it is even LEGAL to say "Oh, your working from home now.. so YOU pay for your workplace, YOU heat/air cond. it, YOU get the SAME pay and oh by the way... you get paid the same". Read more from Dhddiuig

If you have to watch your employees to verify that they're working, you in fact do NOT know if they're working; you've just trained them to look busy. If you want to verify that employees are working, give them a requirement with a deliverable and empirical proof of delivery. From basilwhite