Soundbytes: Oil, Salt and Tea Parties

A weekly roundup of comments from All comments are presented in their original, unedited form.

On OPM Finds Lots More Teleworkers

Can someone please tell me why 23 percent of mangers will not allow their employees to telework? This micromanaging is so sickening. Please find work for these managers to do or get rid of them. From Theresa Okon

10% telecomute !? That's progess? That's a minority!! Let's get with it. Read more from MK

These gaps of data in the govt;s telework program just add the current disarray of other fledgling govt wide programs such as federal hiring practices all of which are the direct result of failed oversight by the OPM. Read more from FedHRXpert

crappy employees will be crappy at work or at home...they will just have extra opportunities to be crappy if they telework. No employee who gets a poor performance rating should be allowed to telework. Read more from anon

On Obama Opposes 1.9 Percent Pay Boost

Mr. Obama the Military deserves a bigger raise than us civilians, as a matter of fact -though it may hurt your political donations we civilians employees should forgo a raise and be glad we have a job. -Lots of our employers -the American Taxpayers don't. Read more from John T

Start at the top when you start cutting. Some of those SES and upper echelon salaries are really not comparable to us lower pay scales and can't possibly do that much in work difference. Read more from Kevin Patterson

When you are over there serving your country in a very dangerous environment (both from weaponary and the actual environment such as the burn pits, sand, unknown subtances) your life is changed forever and not always for the good. Read more from RB

On Navy joins effort to track moving oil slick in the Gulf

Strange how the small government, cut taxes Tea Party folks are remaining silent on this issue. Federal Government is only a neccisity until you need them. From Realist

On Amazon talks cybersecurity in the cloud

I view this effort with a large grain of salt frankly... Read more from Jeffrey A. Williams

How nebulous can you get? The real reason is to fill the pockets of corporate IT. Middle men always cost more money. Read more from Patrick Dooley