Federal 100: Brandon Milhorn

Brandon Milhorn
Minority Staff Director
Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee

Brandon Milhorn was the driving force behind the Protecting Cyberspace as a National Asset Act of 2010, which was reported out of committee late last year and forms the basis for the Senate’s expected action this year.

The bill would create an Office of Cyber Policy at the White House and bolster government and private-sector efforts to develop and implement cybersecurity policies and priorities. It is already affecting the way the government thinks about cybersecurity and IT.

Milhorn was also instrumental in streamlining the Homeland Security Department's management processes and improving its procurement and acquisition policies. As a result, Milhorn is not only elevating the importance of cybersecurity, he’s also working to ensure that the government runs better.

Read more about the 2011 Federal 100 award winners.