Jim Lanoue: Program management gets a makeover

Lanoue improved the management of the Homeland Security Information Network, culminating in a successful TechStat review by the Office of Management and Budget.
Name: James Lanoue
Age: 45
Organization: Homeland Security Department
Title: Deputy Program Manager, Homeland Security Information Network
Nominated for: Improving management of the Homeland Security Information Network, culminating in a successful TechStat review by the Office of Management and Budget.
First IT mentor: Dana Sohr, formerly at RWD Technologies. He taught me the importance of leadership and how a little mentoring can go a long way.
Latest accomplishment on the job: My team is starting to receive positive results from measures we are taking to improve our program.
Career highlight: The fact that I could transport my IT skills across the military and the private and public sectors while continuing to grow and gain responsibilities has been very satisfying. A particular highlight would be the first time that I was able to successfully mentor a co-worker and help them make a wise career choice.
Your advice for a government IT wannabe: Every project and system must be tied back to a definable business need with an identifiable owner. From there, make sure you know how to navigate the governance processes within your organization.
What you enjoy most about working in government IT: I am proud to be involved with IT solutions that will directly and indirectly help protect our homeland security.
Three favorite job-related bookmarks: CNET.com, LinkedIn.com, PMI.org (Program Management Institute website)
Dream non-IT-related job: Developing alternative energy solutions.
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