This Week in ThreatWatch
A compilation of noteworthy headlines from the weird and wily world of cyber assaults.
In case you missed our coverage in ThreatWatch, Nextgov’s regularly updated index of cyber breaches:
UK anti-fraud agency loses 32,000 pages involving BAE probe
The Serious Fraud Office mistakenly sent thousands of confidential files from an investigation into British weapons-maker BAE Systems to the wrong person.
Twitter hack prematurely kills Mikhail Gorbachev
When pranksters reported the former Soviet leader’s demise, he surfaced to deny the rumors: “I’m alive and well,” Gorbachev, late Aug. 7, told the website of Novaya Gazeta newspaper, using a blanked-out Russian expletive to describe his ill-wishers who he said were “hoping in vain”.
Hacked legit porn sites show illegal smut and child sex abuse
Mystery hackers are dispensing illegal child abuse images and malicious software through many legal adult porn sites that have been compromised.
Security error bares millions of Mexicans’ private emails
Prodigy subscribers in the country had the content of their messages exposed because of a security flaw in the company’s mobile email and webmail systems.