Hackers Lift F-35 Plans, Infiltrate FBI Press Office
Just another week in ThreatWatch, our regularly updated index of noteworthy data breaches.
In case you missed our coverage this week in ThreatWatch, Nextgov’s regularly updated index of cyber breaches:
Man nicks F-35 stats to try smuggling to Iran
The technical information on the joint strike fighter was intercepted before reaching its intended recipient overseas. And the culprit, a naturalized U.S. citizen, was arrested this month before he could flee.
Sexy Snapchat messages lure users to dangerous places
Spammers have discovered how to steal brand-name short domains – like usat.ly (USA Today) and cbsloc.al (CBS Local) -- to create a false sense of security.
FBI press office apparently infiltrated
Hactivist group TeamBerserk recently claimed to have hacked the website of the bureau’s public affairs division and deposited several unclassified documents online.
Software upgrade at VA bares beneficiary medical and financial data
Was Navy veteran Sylvester Woodland hitting the refresh button incorrectly on the Veteran Affairs' E-Benefits website Wednesday night? “It gave me a different person's name, each and every time I came back," he told ABC.
Inside job leaves 20M Koreans at risk
An employee at personal credit ratings firm Korea Credit Bureau stole data from clients of three credit card firms, while working for them as a temporary consultant. He then sold it to phone marketing companies.
Hackers steal email data from millions of Germans
Hackers pilfered email passwords and other data from 16 million users, most of them German, according to a report by Germany's Federal Office for Online Security.
ThreatWatch is a regularly updated catalog of data breaches successfully striking every sector of the globe, as reported by journalists, researchers and the victims themselves.
NEXT STORY: What does NSA fallout mean for cyber?