Malware Crippled Animal Shelter’s Donation Webpage for Weeks
Nonprofit // Vermont, United States
Information technology workers at the Central Vermont Humane Society detected the intrusion over the holidays, which was part of a larger attack against WordPress-based websites.
While the shelter says no money or financial information was compromised, the incident could not have come at a worse time, with December being its most important month for donations.
The nonprofit's brand new website was destroyed.
It is believed the shelter lost out on between $7,000 and $10,000 in donations.
Russian malware had infected thousands of sites using the content manager WordPress, essentially turning them into zombies that attacked visitors to the sites.
Now, with a more secure site, the shelter is trying to make up for thousands of dollars in missed donations.
It also has set up a special "keep them warm" raffle. If you’d like to donate, CLICK HERE.