Travel Operator Thomson Leaks Customer Data

Hospitality // UK

The UK vacation services company accidentally exposed personal information on clients in an email. 

The data affected includes customer home addresses, telephone numbers and flight dates.

A statement from the company said it is aware of having wrongly exposed "a small number of customers' information.

"The error was identified very quickly and the email was recalled, which was successful in a significant number of cases…We are urgently investigating the matter to ensure that this situation will not be repeated."

According to the BBC, 458 Thomson clients were victimized.

Tony Pepper, chief executive at encryption services provider Egress, warned that clerical errors are a major challenge for companies.

"It is the simplicity of email that creates a challenge to security teams as it is so easy for them to be sent in error," he said. "Mistakes happen. It's a fact of life. Yet organizations need to ensure they give employees the right tools to work securely, while providing a safety net should they make a mistake."