Navy, Marines look to contractors for cyber training

The Navy and Marine Corps are trying to build out their cyber workforce via a forthcoming contract to train personnel.

Image from Shutterstock.

WHAT: A solicitation to train cybersecurity personnel at the Navy and Marine Corps’ cyber warfare commands.

WHY: The Navy and Marine Corps, like the other military services, are developing a cybersecurity workforce with a wide range of defensive and offensive capabilities. Much of the that expertise resides in the private sector. This solicitation is an explicit appeal for help.

The contractor will be charged with delivering technical training aligned with ongoing cybersecurity initiatives at both the Navy’s Fleet Cyber Command and Marine Corps Forces Cyberspace Command.

The Marine Corps in particular has recently focused on injecting some urgency into its procurement of cybersecurity technologies via a revamped acquisition strategy. That new approach will presumably complement the training sought through this new contract.

The contract will have a three-year base period with two optional extensions of a year each.

Submissions are due May 12. Click here to read the solicitation synopsis.