FCW Insider Chat: Defense Tech

Fed 100 winners Caroline Bean and Colt Whittall discuss their ongoing work to modernize how the Defense Department utilizes technology. Kiyoshi Tanno / Getty Images
Fed100 winners Caroline Bean of DISA’s Joint Enterprise Services Directorate and Air Force Chief Experience Officer Colt Whittall join the podcast to talk about their work.
Technology is a critical part of the Defense Department’s work. It powers everything from the computers that employees use daily to the command and control systems that help inform decisionmaking.
FCW hosts 2023 Fed100 winners Caroline Bean – director of the Defense Information Systems Agency’s Joint Enterprise Services Directorate – and Colt Whittall – chief experience officer at the Air Force — on the podcast to dig into their work in defense tech. It’s a conversation that ranges from the importance of user experience to major modernization pushes at DISA like DOD365.
The FCW Insider Chat, a five-episode podcast exploring the winners of this year’s Federal 100, the original and most prestigious awards for the federal IT community.
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