
Coast Guard's small IT programs suffer from inconsistent oversight policy, GAO finds

The Government Accountability Office found inconsistent evaluations of baseline goals, like cost changes, for the Coast Guard's non-major IT acquisition programs which led to inaccurate estimates of cost increases.


How ‘cultural artifacts’ impede DOD's ability to go big on AI

Pushing AI to the battlefield to help commanders make more informed decisions also means confronting the Defense Department’s worst enemy: the budget process.


The Navy has saved $150 million by consolidating IT systems, official says

The Cattle Drive effort, which was announced in 2020, aims to reduce duplicative systems, their data, and save money.


DOD to debut virtual desktops for certain highly classified programs

The effort, which sunsets "Chinstrap" desktop hardware, has been a key priority in the Pentagon's CIO shop.


DOD isn't meeting some of the cybersecurity standards it set for contractors

A recent Government Accountability Office report highlighted that the Defense Department wasn't meeting all of the requirements it sets for contractors when it comes to protecting sensitive, unclassified information.


Pentagon wants to take the time to get major cloud awards 'right,' CIO says

John Sherman, DOD's chief information officer, told a congressional committee that while "urgency" is needed to move the Joint Warfighting Cloud Capability contract along so is taking the time to "get this right."


Pentagon closing in on 'ethical' AI implementation

The Defense Department released guidance for using AI responsibly last year.


Coast Guard graduates first class of cyber majors

A "handful" of newly minted cyber specialists will go to the Coast Guard’s Cyber Command headquarters for their initial assignment, the service's chief told Congress last week.


Hacking the Army's tech talent problem

As the Army trains its second cohort of technology professionals, the success of the software factory will hinge on how well they are integrated into the Army's mission.


How the Army is battle-testing cloud computing

How the service plans to use cloud computing — from boardrooms to the battlefield


The Navy needs to do a better job finding the right job for its cyber specialists, officials say

Adm. Michael Gilday, the chief of naval operations, told the House Armed Services Committee the Navy has struggled with matching cyber talent with teams.


Meet Kessel Run’s newest chief of staff

Alissa Bookwalter took charge in April and plans to focus a lot of her energy on building a remote-first, diverse, and equitable tech workforce within (and outside of) the Air Force’s popular software factory.


The Pentagon wants to prevent personnel data tracking, breaches

The Defense Department's innovation shop is looking for commercial solutions that can help better protect personnel data.


Senator not sold on Army’s $22 billion bet on IVAS

In response, Army Secretary Christine Wormuth told senators she was "pretty comfortable" with the program's progress and said she didn't agree with elements of a critical oversight report.


Space Force to bring data scientists, coders on board this summer

The military’s newest service branch is in the final stages of selecting a group of tech-forward personnel.


Identity management beyond the CAC card

The Defense Information Systems Agency previewed plans to improve identity management, which includes expanding multi-factor authentication.


JRSS transition still a work in progress

The Defense Information Systems Agency isn't getting rid of the embattled Joint Regional Security Stacks just yet. But it is working on a transition plan as it brings Thunderdome online.


The Army wants to re-do how it manages cyber risk

The service is working to stand up a risk management council in the coming month.