OFPP pushes agencies for pilot-project ideas

Agencies that want to test acquisition ideas have the opportunity nominate their procurements for one of more than two dozen pilot projects being planned by the Office of Federal Procurement Policy. Under the Federal Acquisition Streamlining Act (FASA) and the Information Technology Management Refo

Agencies that want to test acquisition ideas have the opportunity nominate their procurements for one of more than two dozen pilot projects being planned by the Office of Federal Procurement Policy.

Under the Federal Acquisition Streamlining Act (FASA) and the Information Technology Management Reform Act (ITMRA), OFPP is authorized to waive some laws and regulations to explore new buying techniques.

Of the pilots, up to 20 will test the feasibility of "solutions-based" contracts, in which agencies ask vendors to meet functional specifications rather than technical ones. One project will test the benefits of allowing agencies to share their savings with contractors who improve agency processes, while the subjects of other tests are at OFPP's discretion.

Procurements eligible for the tests range from less than $5 million to $100 million in value. Nominations should be sent by Sept. 23 to Nathan Tash, OFPP's deputy associate administrator for procurement innovation, New Executive Office Building, Room 9001, 725 17th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20503.