Atlanta's Fingerprint ID System Not Just For Criminals

Atlanta's Fingerprint ID System Not Just For Criminals

The city of Atlanta is now installing what its developers claim is thecountry's most integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System(AFIS). NEC Technologies, which recently won a contract to provide thesystem, said by next year the AFIS database will house information onmore than 1 million suspects.

"Typically, AFIS systems go in as standalone systems," said David Klug,assistant regional director for NEC's AFIS Central Region. "If anything,those systems are interfaced only with Computerized Criminal History(CCH) systems and live scan machines."

Atlanta, however, will use the system not only to maintain fingerprintimages used by the police and Corrections Department but also to providefingerprint image management capabilities for the city's Licensing andPermit Division. The city's Card ID program will provide for thefingerprinting of individuals such as taxi drivers and "adultentertainers" who must be licensed each year, Klug said.

"The technology has expanded so much beyond just AFIS, and we are findingmore and more of a demand for add-on technology in the bids" circulatedby state and local agencies, Klug added.

AT& T Wireless Services Inc., awarded the Atlanta contract on behalf ofthe city. NEC is now in the process of completing a detailed systemdesign, Klug said, who added that Atlanta's will be a "showcase" systemthat the company will demonstrate to the state and local governmentmarket.