DOD merges four IT, logistics groups

Last month the Defense Department merged four separate information technology and logistics groups into the LifeCycle Information Integration Office (LCIIO) to make it easier and less expensive to manage and access shared acquisition and logistics information. LCIIO is composed of the Continuous A

Last month the Defense Department merged four separate information technology and logistics groups into the Life-Cycle Information Integration Office (LCIIO) to make it easier and less expensive to manage and access shared acquisition and logistics information.

LCIIO is composed of the Continuous Acquisition and Life-Cycle Support (CALS) Logistic Business Systems (LBS) and Electronic Commerce/Electronic Data Interchange (EC/EDI) offices as well as the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency's advanced technology group. Mark Adams who headed the CALS office will head LCIIO.

"There is so much synergy and potential within these four organizations it makes sense to bring them together to support logistics " Adams said. As the head of LCIIO Adams' responsibilities include the integration of information architectures and electronic commerce initiatives.

LCIIO will "use information technology to help DOD lower cycle times and costs and improve readiness " Adams said adding that the consolidation will help the department do business faster and less expensively. Along with carrying out National Performance Review initiatives LCIIO also is tasked with developing the blueprint for establishing a DOD-wide paper-free contracting process a draft of which has been submitted to John Hamre the deputy secretary of Defense.

Bill Gorham the acting director of CALS said LCIIO aims to meet objectives of "paperless weapons systems life-cycle support through the aggressive use" of applications such as electronic commerce the reduction of life-cycle costs and the establishment of interoperable links to industry.

Dick Allen LBS' director said that while LCIIO does not advocate particular technology tools or concepts it wants to "improve the life-cycle information management function. A lot of organizations don't have time to manage information in a life-cycle context."

Meanwhile Michael Mestrovich formerly the executive director of the EC/EDI office has been appointed the acquisition and technology information management executive. Mestrovich will support the DOD chief information officer and will focus on the development of strategic plans information technology metrics and performance- and results-based management outcomes among other tasks.

NEXT STORY: NEC seeks new markets for ID tech